A group of 7 people gather around a table for conversation with staff and mentees

Our Services

We serve youth and families through caring, responsive programming, and we foster shared action among partners committed to supporting youth.

What We Do

Two people -- an adult and a student -- site together with masks at a table, playing a game. Both people wear hats.

Youth-Focused Services

Caring, trusted relationships are at the core of all of our work with youth. Specifically, we support youth by connecting them with caring adult mentors and growing their social-emotional and independent living skills.

  • RiseUp Partnership connects youth to the tools and resources they need to thrive in their everyday lives, including access to transportation, housing, education, legal documentation, and budgeting and financial knowledge.

  • RiseUp Partnership and our network of mentors work one-on-one with youth to build social-emotional management skills through role play, conversation, and individual reflection.

    Become a Mentor

  • We create space for the voices of young people in our community to be heard as leaders on issues that matter to them. Our programming is guided by what youth say they need, and we also facilitate opportunities for youth in Goodhue County to engage with the community through service learning and other leadership opportunities.

Children stand at the river, getting instructions from an adult

Parent & Family Engagement

We hone the advocacy skills of parents and caregivers – meaning a more participatory and inclusive Goodhue County. RiseUp Partnership supports parents who want to get more involved on behalf of youth and helps connect parents to one another to build community.

Community Partnerships

We bring organizations and committed individuals together to foster a stronger Goodhue County where every family and every young person can thrive. We are working toward a community where government agencies, schools, individual community members, and parents and youth come together to identify challenges facing our youth and devise solutions collectively.

We know that different members of our community have varied needs, and we strive to make the biggest impact for those youth and families who need the most support. RiseUp Partnership and our partners do this by: 

  • Building a shared vision for what it looks like when all youth in Goodhue County can achieve their potential.

  • Removing barriers that are blocking youth and their families from reaching their goals.

  • Collectively stewarding resources to areas most needed for youth and their families.

Get Involved

At RiseUp Partnership, we believe strong communities are the foundation for strong children and families – and that all young people deserve the opportunity to flourish. Find your place in this movement.