A Community of Caring Adults: A Note from our Executive Director
When I was in kindergarten, my parents divorced. I felt confused and anxious – I knew that all of my friends lived with both of their parents at home. My school counselor, Mrs. Kittleson, noticed. She saw my sadness and started spending time with me to learn about what I was experiencing. She taught me skills that I could use to manage my emotions. She made me feel seen, loved, and valued, and the impact of her support has stayed with me through adulthood. She was the additional caring adult that I needed to thrive in that first year of school.
The caring adults who love and support our youth are the backbone of RiseUp Red Wing. From our dedicated staff, mentors who volunteer their time, and the community businesses who welcome our students, to the parents who entrust us with their children – your impact is immeasurable.
RiseUp Red Wing is on a mission to increase the number of caring adults in the community. We hope you’ll join us – whether in serving as a mentor to our youth, participating in our community engagement activities, or donating to support our programs.
In partnership,
Pictured: Thanks to a partnership with Red Wing Arts, an artist visited the high school and worked with mentors/mentees over several sessions to create pottery.